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彫刻家・はっとりこうへい氏とのコラボレーションシリーズを、HATTORI EDITIONと名付けます。ここではっとり氏が彫るのは、色の地層。異なる色で30回塗り重ね、厚くなった塗膜を彫刻刀で彫り出していきます。近寄って観察すると、気の遠くなるような手仕事の痕跡と、鮮やかな色彩の響き合いをお楽しみいただけます。
OZA METALSTUDIOのプライヤフックに、この色彩彫刻を施してもらいました。長年ご愛用いただくと、少しずつ表面の塗膜が剥がれて新たな色の層が現れます。年月をかけて、あなただけの1本に育て上げて下さい。
We are pleased to announce a collaborative series with sculptor Kohei HATTORI, named HATTORI EDITION. He carves out layers of color. After 30 coats of different colors are applied, the thickened coating is carved out with an engraving knife. Observe closely and you will enjoy the traces of the mind-boggling handiwork and the echoes of the vivid colors.
We had OZA METALSTUDIO's plier hooks engraved with this color sculpture. After many years of use, the surface coating will gradually peel off to reveal a new layer of color. Over the years, please nurture it into your own unique piece.
■H100mm x W30mm x D75mm
■本体:鉄 / 色彩彫刻 + クリアー塗装仕上げ
Body:iron / color sculpture + clear coating
Accessory:screw, anchor plug
Shipped within 5 business days after payment
*Tax included.
*Shipping fee is not included.More information
*This item can be shipped outside of Japan.